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bombing range sports complex

Bombing Range Sports Complex - Local park grants help protect these symbols of vibrant communities, provide places for families to gather and play, and promote healthy, active lifestyles in an era when people are spending more of their time indoors. WWRP is the largest source of funding for local parks in Washington, helping communities finance the acquisition, development and renovation of important recreational areas and green spaces.

The project will build a public restroom, develop a handicap-accessible walkway and free up 125 parking spaces at the Bombing Range Sports Complex, the city's busiest park. The daily use of the complex increased with the increase in the size and quality of the playing fields. Numerous youth teams in Richland and West Richland use the field. On a typical day, more than 200 children participate in games or exercises. The need for permanent toilets has long been recognized. The complex does not have handicap access to the playground and the unpaved parking lot is a safety concern. People complain about lack of public toilets and dust from cars. This project will solve this problem. Once completed, the park will have adequate toilets, barrier-free walkways and more efficient parking.

Bombing Range Sports Complex

Bombing Range Sports Complex

WWRP Brief Facts Applicant: City of West Richland Category: Local Parks WWRP Grant: 98404 Applicant Eligibility: 109737.77 Project Type: Development County: Benton Legislative District: 8 Status: Completed Project RCO # 98-1301

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Location Details Badger Mountain, south of West Richland, north of Interstate 182 and off Bombing Range Road.

The Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) is a state grant program that creates and maintains local and state parks, wildlife habitats, and working farms. The Washington State Office of Recreation and Conservation administers WWRP grants and funds the legislative program.

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